Is It Safe to Travel to Tijuana

Is It Safe to Travel to Tijuana

Yes, with the proper documents, going over the border to Tijuana is safe and piece of cake. While you tin can wing into the Tijuana airport, the easiest manner to get to Tijuana from San Diego is to bulldoze or walk across the San Ysidro Mex Border. The San Ysidro Mex Border into Tijuana is the most heavily crossed U.S. border. Because of its size and support from Homeland Security, it's considered ane of the safest entry points. About 50,000,000 people travel over the border yearly to visit Tijuana. And it's said that anywhere between 100,000 to 300,000 people cantankerous the San Ysidro Mex Border daily.

While traveling to-and-from Tijuana is generally condom, the city itself is quite unsafe. With a population of 1,763,197, there are 134 murders per 100,000 people.  This is significantly higher than Juarez, Mexico.  And Juarez has long been known as the place El Chapo and many other infamous drug kingpins reside.

Legally crossing the Mexican border

There are l areas to cross the border legally on the Southern U.Due south. border. Many of these crossings permit you cantankerous past either vehicle or human foot. San Ysidro is the connexion from Tijuana to Southern California, and information technology's the busiest border between the U.Due south. and Mexico. Following San Ysidro is the El Paso crossing. Both of these crossings offer both footpaths and passage past vehicle. With the appropriate documentation and/or paperwork, crossing the border is a elementary process.

Cautionary tips for traveling from San Diego to Tijuana

  • Make sure you have the proper documentations to leave and re-enter the Usa. The FMM (Mexico Visitor'southward Let) and a valid passport.
  • Don't travel to Tijuana at nighttime if you lot're not familar with the city and can't speak fluent spanish.
  • Don't walk at nighttime in Tijuana.
  • If yous're a woman, make certain to walk with a grouping.
  • Use Reputable Taxi Services. Only employ reputable well marked Taxis and make sure the meter is used.
  • Alter currency before going over the border. While you'll potentially get a less favorable exchange rate, information technology'southward good to have some greenbacks at hand immediately. Also make sure to have modest and large units of currency for transactions similar tips and services.
  • Don't wear anything expensive and keep your expensive items hidden.
  • Exercise not at any time buy drugs or participate in whatsoever activity relating to drugs. This is probably the most dangerous thing you can practice in Tijuana.
  • Be Careful Where Y'all Park.There are hundreds of motorcar break-ins a year in the parking lots and streets that line the U.S. side of the border.

Imperial Style blue line

To travel to Tijuana past train, use the Majestic Manner blue line (bright-red Tijuana Trolley) from San Diego. It will have about 45 minutes.  Yous will need to catch the blue line from any station traveling South toward San Ysidro.

The red trolley
Paul Sullivan – Flickr

Y'all will take the line to its concluding finish, the San Ysidro/International Border.  View the San Diego blue line schedule and map hither.

After you lot exit on the San Ysidro/International Border finish, yous volition walk simply a short distance through immigration.  From the station, there are signs marking the path toward Mexico.

At that place are also money exchanges at the station, and I'd advise getting some money exchanged here before you cross.  Additionally, at that place are plenty of officers around here, then you lot can always ask them if you get confused.

The path to immigration is clearly marked and easy enough to follow. One time you're through, you lot'll follow the footpath to Mexico and out to the street. Next, you'll laissez passer through the turnstile doors. You'll most likely be asked right abroad if yous demand a taxi.

What tin you bring over the edge to Mexico from the United States

To cantankerous over from the U.S. to Mexico, yous'll need to fill out aMexico Declaration of Goods form. This course is filled out by you lot to declare baggage and personal items you're bringing into the country. Things that would exist declared chronicle to greenbacks or currency, medicine, and food.

Additionally, you'll need to declare cash carried if it's in excess of $10,000 USD or equivalent currency. And if you effort to cantankerous over with more than than $10,000 USD and don't declare it, you can be fined by as much as 20-40% of the amount. Attempting to cross without declaring 30k USD or more tin go you lotthrown in prison house for upward to 6 years and the extra money volition be forfeited to the federal treasury.

Things you tin bring and need to declare:

  • Visitors to Mexico can bring their luggage and personal belongings duty-free.
  • You're permitted to take $300 worth of trade and personal property across the border duty-free.
  • If you're over 18 years old, y'all can carry over 6 liters of wine or 3 liters of beer or liquor.
  • Visitors tin enter Mexico from the U.s.a. with $x,000 USD undeclared or its equivalent in some other currency.

Paperwork needed to cross the Mexican border

Having the proper paperwork, including your passport, will expedite the process both on foot and by car. Make sure to research the recommendations from the U.S. Section of State (encounter for the link beneath) earlier traveling over the border.

The U.S. Department of State – Agency of Counselor Affairs indicates that "U.S. citizens must present a valid U.S. passport book or carte, in addition to an entry permit (Forma Migratoria Multiple or FMM) issued by Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM). Travelers should be sure to enter Mexico with valid proof of automobile registration, even if remaining in the border zone.". Learn more on the U.South. Department of State Website hither.

  • Valid U.Due south. passport book or card
  • Entry Permit (Forma Migratoria Multiple or FM)
  • Valid proof of automobile registration
San Ysidro – CBP San Diego Operations – U.S. Community and Border Protection officeholder processes passengers through Customs Gear up Lane at San Ysidro Port of Entry..CBP Lensman: Donna Burton

San Ysidro Border operating hours

The San Ysidro Edge operates 24 hours a day, vii days a week.

Driving to Tijuana from San Diego

The Smart Border Coalition indicates there are a whopping 45,000,000 cars that travel between Mexico and The United states of america annually. That's a lot of vehicles. As you tin imagine, that much traffic has created a lot of efficiencies and processes at the border.

From downtown San Diego accept I-5 S to the border, and the trip is approximately 20 minutes by automobile. The crossing is literally straight south on I-5, and y'all'll drive straight into it using this highway.

The return trip to San Diego is very tedious and why many opt to non drive to Tijuana. The render drive can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours because the border agents need to check all vehicle paperwork, passports/IDs, and potentially inspect the vehicle itself. The popularity of this border crossing makes it very slow to pass by car. And even with an abundance of inspection points, the agents are ofttimes overwhelmed with the traffic.

The U.Due south. Department of Land – Bureau of Advisor Affairs indicates that "Temporary import permits for cars registered in the United States are needed in order to drive across the edge zones in Mexico.   Permits are enforced when driving approximately 20 kilometers into United mexican states.  Permits are Not needed in the Baja Peninsula."

To view the estimated amount of time information technology will take to cross past vehicle, visit: U.S. Customs & Border Control – machine border wait times

Things needed when crossing into Mexico past car
  • Valid passport
  • Brusque-term FMM permit acquired from the Mexican authorities at the port of entry or online. This is sometimes only called a "tourist carte". You can fill up out the Online FMM permit on the: Government of Mexico site here
  • Drivers license
  • If yous plan to drive outside of the Mexico Complimentary Zone, you lot'll demand a vehicle import allow.

What is the Mexico Complimentary Zone

The Mexico Free Zone is a 12-16 mile region of the U.S. – Mexico border where requirements are relaxed or alleviated. The marked zone ends on Mexican Federal Highway Number 15. If you stay within the Mexico Free Zone, the temporary vehicle import permit isn't necessary.

San Ysidro Port of Entry – Source: Wikimedia Commons

Is it safe to drive to Tijuana

In my opinion, at that place isn't any upside to driving your motorcar over the border. For ane, y'all're going to potentially wait hours in traffic merely to filter back into the Us. And if you walk in, y'all can merely walk back very hands.

Also, your motorcar isn't safe in either parking locations along the border. Both the U.South. and Tijuana parking isn't not bad, and there accept been many suspension-ins reported in these lots.

"The most dangerous place to bulldoze your motorcar in Tijuana is near Avenida Revolucion and Avenida Constitucion and Second and Third Streets. Over 60 per centum of all accidents in that location are rear-enders and that means you don't have a chance." – United states Border Patrol

San Ysidro – CBP San Diego Operations – U.South Community and Border Protection officer checks the identity of passengers crossing from United mexican states to the Usa at the San Ysidro port of entry. Photographer: Donna Burton
Source: Wikimedia Eatables

Walking into Tijuana

It'south really piece of cake to walk into Mexico.  You lot tin can arrive at the border by either machine, train, or motorbus.  The metro and greyhound station is inside walking distance of the border.  There is also parking at the metro station, although many cull to park more North and take the blue line into the edge.

To get to Tijuana by pes, you'll need to walk through San Ysidro Station's Immigration Checkpoint. There is parking near the edge, or yous can have the San Diego Blue Line downward to the station.

Information technology's an easy procedure to pass through immigration and customs. If you're a U.S. denizen, you'll need to show your passport and make full out the FMM (Forma Migratoria Múltiple).

PRO TIP:To avoid high parking costs, park at Iris Ave. Train Station and take the San Diego Blue Line to San Ysidro Station.

Taxi ride to Av. Revolución

At present that you've decided to walk across the border, you have 2 main choices to get over to the tourist district. First, you can walk there or y'all can accept a machine service.

Taxi Libre

If you take a car service, I'd propose either Uber or the white Taxi. The white taxis will be labeled "taxi libre".

Note: The best taxi services in Tijuana are the white cars labeled "taxi libre". The "taxi libre" is supposed to utilise meters in transit, but it's more commonplace to haggle a charge per unit directly with the cab commuter.

If you lot do choose to forgo the meter and negotiate a rate, make sure to agree on a cost earlier entering the vehicle. And if you practise apply the meter, it'due south the right matter to tip well. At least 20% tip if you lot enjoyed the ride. Is tipping required? No, just they won't say no to information technology. And besides, the tip volition brand a big difference for them.

Near drivers there need to rent their taxis, and they demand to make near 10 short trips merely to break even. So while a $2-iii tip isn't much to you, this could mean a family is able to alive and eat a trivial better for a week or and so.

Directions for taxi driver

Once yous've negotiated the price or adamant the meter is beingness used, you can ask to exist dropped off at the corner of 3rd Street and Avenida Revolucion at the Soriana Supermarket.

By and large cost of cabs

The cost of a white taxi to Av. Revolución is approximately 100-110 MXN, and the yellow taxis almost 120-130 MXN.

Pro Tip: Tijuana taxi drivers won't be able to break big bills, then brand certain to have some of your money divided into smaller units of currency.

Image Source – Google Maps

Directions to walk to Av. Revolución

The path to immigration is clearly marked and easy plenty to follow. Once yous're through, yous'll follow the footpath to Mexico and out to the street. Next, you'll pass through the turnstile doors. Yous'll well-nigh likely be asked right away if y'all need a taxi.

You can decline, as walking over to Tijuana's tourist area is easy enough. From the exit, the full walk will be30-twoscore minutes.

Using a taxi or Uber: Information technology is potentially dangerous to walk from the border to the tourist district night (Avenida Revolución), especially if you lot are traveling alone. If you lot get in at night, have a white metered taxi or Uber.

i. Correct on Calle Frontera

Accept a correct plough on Calle Frontera. Proceed for a bit and walk over the span above the freeway. If it's during prime hours, yous'll most likely see plenty of people walking in the same direction. To your right, you'll be able to probably spot traffic backed upwardly at the San Ysidro Border checkpoint on the John J. Montgomery Freeway.

Take a right on Frontera and then walk downward Frontera until y'all reach a round-a-bout.

2. Walk across Av de la Amistad

At the cease of the overpass, y'all'll take a correct turn at the round-a-bout and then walk beyond Av de la Amistad in the crosswalk. Y'all'll and so run across an open expanse or a promenade. Walk toward information technology until you come across Centro Cambiario Baja Exchange.

Later walking down Frontera, take a right at the circular-a-bout and and so cross Av de la Amistad.

3. Left at Centro Cambiario Baja Substitution

Turn left at the coin substitution shop. Subsequently yous turn left at the money exchange shop, Centro Cambiario Baja Exchange, you'll walk downwardly the promenade. As you walk downwardly the promenade, you'll exist able to see the Millennium Arch in the distance.

"The Monumental Curvation, also known every bit Millennium Curvation or Monumental Clock, is a famous symbol of Tijuana, located at the beginning of Revolución Artery in walking distance from the Mexican and U.s.a. border." – Epitome source: Wikimedia

4. Cross over Tijuana River

At the end of the walkway or promenade, you'll take a quick right then left. This will atomic number 82 you up to a walkway to cross the river. Much like the Los Angeles River, the Tijuana River isn't much to look at. It's substantially a paved-over riverbed that will be dried out.

5. Cross Av. Francisco l. Madero

At the end of the Tijuana River overpass, you'll follow the walkway down to street level. At the lesser, you'll take a right on C. Primera. Y'all'll pass nether an entrance sign stating "Welcome to downtown" (Bienvenidos Tijuana BC Mexico). In that location will exist a clearly marked walkway, and you'll see the Monumental Arch getting closer in the groundwork.

Adjacent, you lot'll cross Av. Francisco l. Madero using the crosswalk and go along walking in the same direction. Y'all'll eventually run into the pharmacy marked, "Farmacia El Pira".

vi. Av. Revolucion and the Monumental Arch

Continue past the pharmacy toward the Arch on the walkway. You lot'll eventually make it on Av. Revolución and be right adjacent to the Monumental Arch.

PRO TIP: Apply Google Maps street view to become familiar with the street earlier you become. Yous nigh can walk every turn with Google Maps street view. For Instance, here you can see the Arch correct above and the phase.

In determination, is it condom to go to Tijuana from San Diego?

If you lot do your research, traveling to and from Tijuana should be relatively safe. That means understanding some basic directions and how to communicate them in Castilian.

There are too quite a few options to get effectually in one case over the border. If it's daytime, you can even walk. While it'south non close, the tourist area or Av. Revolución can be walked to. Information technology volition be almost 45 minutes to an hour.

Or if yous choose to use a taxi, information technology's recommended you use the white cabs labeled "taxi libre". Negotiate your rate before you enter the cab if you forgo the meter.

Every bit for the safety of Tijuana the city; information technology's very unsafe. The metropolis has been consistently ranked as the virtually unsafe city in the world. Tourists consistently written report existence ripped off there too. So if you practice determine to go, make sure to accept the necessary precautions.

Is It Safe to Travel to Tijuana

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